Private Prescriptions From Consultants

Configure Prescription Details

What happens if I have a Private Prescription from a Consultant?

If you have been given a private prescription by a consultant you have seen, the Practice will be able to convert this into an NHS prescription under the following circumstances:

  • You have been referred to the consultant by a GP in the Practice, or by another consultant to whom you were originally referred by your GP. 
  • Your GP agrees with the treatment and is prepared to take clinical responsibility for prescribing the drug.  The medication would usually need to be something routinely prescribed for the particular condition on the NHS.  Certain medications will need to be initiated by a consultant and stabilised before being considered.

What do I need to do?

Submit a request via our Accurx online service to change your private prescription to NHS including a copy of the private prescription you have been given. Your GP will also need a letter from your private consultant summarising their consultation with you. Once received, reviewed and agreed to change to NHS, it will be available to collect from your nominated pharmacy in two working days. 

Should you not have access to technology, please hand in or post your request to the practice. 

What if I think it is urgent to start the medication straight away?

If you feel that you cannot wait for the usual two working days to obtain the prescription from the Practice, you can take the private prescription to any pharmacy which will be able to dispense it for you. You may be able to negotiate with the pharmacy to refund the cost to you once you have obtained the NHS prescription.

Please remember that Park End Surgery is an NHS Practice and we are committed to providing the same service to all our patients.